Europe trip In 2012 I went to Europe, there I visited some cities in Italy, Milan and Rome, Paris in France and London in England. I loved the experience and I dream every day in travel abroad again. Probabily, next year, in july I may go to Orlando - USA, with my daughter. I´m trying to save some money to do this. I think everything is gona be all right, at least, I hope so.
2014년 9월 23일 오후 10:47
교정 · 1

Europe trip

In 2012 I went to Europe, there where I visited some cities in Italy, Milan and Rome, Paris in France and London in England. I loved the experience and I dream every day in of traveling abroad again. Probabily, next year, in July I may go to Orlando - USA, with my daughter. I´m trying to save some money to do this that. I think everything is gonna be all right, at least, I hope so.


Notes: The first sentence could instead be modified like this:

In 2012 I went to Europe. There I visited some cities in Italy, Milan and Rome, Paris in France and London in England. I loved the experience and I dream every day in of traveling abroad again.


<em>"I´m trying to save some money to do this."</em>

Using "this" is not technically wrong, but it is common for non-native speakers, and uncommon for native speakers. "That" makes you sound more like a US American.

I would actually use this sentence: <em>"I'm trying to save some money for that."</em>


2014년 9월 23일
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