something about my university life{大学生活的一些事}(can u help me to edit?) 我很开心自己在2014年进入了大学,我希望自己可以开心每一天,但是人生总是有不完美的事,我和舍友有了一些小矛盾,她可能不太喜欢我了,当初开学的时候我们的关系很好,我们一起去吃午饭,晚上一起在操场散步,后来,渐渐地我们的关系破裂了。我不知道我是不是错了,但我真的不希望友谊就是两个人黏在一起,她不希望我和别的同学建立友谊,并且让我在她和另一个女孩之间二选一,但我觉得这是不对的,对不起。{im glad i entered my university in 2014, i hope i can be happy everyday ,but there always has something bad in life , i have some problems with my roommate ,she might not like me ,at the beginning we got along well with each other,we had lunch together and we went walking together at night in the playground,later,our friendship broke up, i dont know whether im right or not ,but i really dont want us to stick together , she didnt hope me build good friendships with other friends and gave me two choices between her and another friend of mine ....but i think it is wrong ,sorry .} 还有一件让我悲伤的事就是我和男朋友分手了,我想结局都不是我们当初希望的,我尝试忘记,却发现很难。当我一想到这件事依旧感到心痛。我们之间发生了很多不愉快的事,甚至在不愉快之后,我们都不愿意沟通。我虽然很伤心,但是在他面前却装作无所谓的样子。我不知道他是怎样想的,但是他的态度也和我差不多,在心里我就更难过了。。。。。。。{And another thing im sad is that i broke with my bf , i think the end is not we had hope , i try to forget it , but found its very had . i still feel heartache when i think about it now ,something bad happened between us , even though after the bad thing happened ,we didnt want to communiate with each other .i was sad but I pretend does not matter in front of him ,( but you know that behind me will be hurt long, long time?) i dont know his feeling , but he acts he didnt care. then i was more sad at heart.........} 昨晚收到一封匿名邮件:“佳人遥相忆,佳人记得多添衣。”我回复了:“我不知道你是谁,但是谢谢你,我会的。” 他真的是一个很好的人,或许上帝有他的原因我们最后没有在一起,更多的是我觉得你会比我找到更好的,你值得拥有更好的因为你真的是一个很好的人。{I received an anonymous email last night ,said:' miss you and take care .' i repied:' i dont know who you are , thank you though and i will ."my ex is relly a nice guy ,i want to say to him (but i know i wont say ):'maybe God works in his ways maybe there was a reason we didn't end up together. like a bigger reason maybe I think you can have much better than me and he deserve it because you really are such a nice guy. '}(
2014년 11월 1일 오후 1:05
교정 · 3
         昨晚我收到一封匿名邮件:“想你了,照顾好自己!”。(原文的两个短句放一起不太合适,有点不伦不类。我的古文功底也不好。所以翻译为现代汉语。)我回复了:“虽然不知道你是谁,但是谢谢你,我会的。” 我前男友真的是一个很好的人,我想对他说(但是我知道我不会说出来):最后我们没有在一起,也许上帝自有理由。更重要的是我觉得你会找到比我更好的人,你值得拥有更好的,因为你真的就是一个很好的人。
2014년 11월 1일
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