Boring! I am very bored today. Some tired, some sad. I want to do anything. In fact I miss somebodies. It is so hard. Staying away you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can. We only wait and cry, cry, cry...
2014년 11월 17일 오후 7:57
교정 · 1


I am very bored today. Some tired, some sad. I want to do anything. In fact I miss somebodies. It is so hard. Staying away you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can. We only wait and cry, cry, cry...


I am very bored today, a little bit tired and a little bit sad. I want to do something. In fact I miss somebody. (one person) Staying away from the one you love is very hard. But there is nothing we can do, only wait and cry, cry, cry....

2014년 11월 18일
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