请帮我改一下错误的地方。谢谢。 Well ,we all distracted by some things and indeed there is no way for us to prevent them .But as for study,why not try to preview.It really work.And listen carefully on the class,then,try go over knowledge on time.If there is still sth you can't understand ,you can ask your classmates or teachers. Not matter how difficult your classes,I believe in this way ,you can make progress.As for homework and exam,take it easy,once you are familiar with your lessons,they won't take too much of your time.
2014년 11월 22일 오전 7:32
교정 · 3

请帮我改一下错误的地方。谢谢。(没问题) (Can someone please help me rephrase this text?)


Well, we are all distracted by some things and indeed there is no way for us to prevent those distractions them. But as for study, why not try to preview read ahead? I think this study method would really work.


And Listen carefully on during the class, then try to go over  review your knowledge over time. If there is still something you can't understand, you (one) can ask (always) your classmates or teachers. No matter how difficult your classes, I believe in this way, you (anyone) can make progress. As for homework and exams; take it easy, once you are familiar with your lessons, they won't take too much of your time.

记得要利用你的标题每个单词 3句为一个段落 启动标题和第一个主题的新段落 需要更完整表达想法 要认真了解单数与复数 写一个人,地方或事物用首字母大写的名字的时候


2014년 11월 22일
2014년 11월 22일
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