Español 11/28/2014 Yo estoy comiendo galletas. (I am eating cookies.) Tu estás comiendo con sus colegas. (You are eating with your colleagues.) Ella está comiendo el platano. (She is eating a banana) El está comiendo en el restaurante. (He is eating in a restaurant.) Nosotros estamos comiendo en la mesa. (We are eating at the table.) Vosotros estamos comiendo helados. (You are eating ice-creams.)
2014년 11월 29일 오전 3:21
교정 · 3

Español 11/28/2014

Yo estoy comiendo galletas.
(I am eating cookies.)
Tú estás comiendo con sus colegas.
(You are eating with your colleagues.)
Ella está comiendo el un plátano.
(She is eating a banana)
Él está comiendo en el un restaurante.
(He is eating in a restaurant.)
Nosotros estamos comiendo en la mesa.
(We are eating at the table.)
Vosotros estamos estáis comiendo helados.
(You are eating ice-creams.)


Nice! You did conjugate really well.

When you conjugate a verb, sometimes the subject will implicitly be known. For example, "Yo estoy comiendo galletas", [estoy] is conjugated as a single singular person, so "yo" is a bit redundant here. It's more natural to say "Estoy comiendo galletas". You will know that better with practice.

Aside that, very well! Keep up the good work :)

2014년 11월 29일
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