11.29.2014 I hurt my finger. I don't know what I did wrong but suddenly my ring finger nail got pain and it became swollen. I tried to cure it by using Hydrogen peroxide Solution but it didn't work at all. So I took a picture of my finger and sent it to my parents because I thought they might know the way how to treat my finger. After seeing the picture, my mother let me know one way of curing it. This is the way; Make a dough with flour, water and salt. And then cover the hurt part with the dough. That's all ! OMG.. It sounds ridiculous..... but..I don't have any other idea to treat my finger.. Trying wouldn´t hurt!!! I just hope my finger to be cured well..
2014년 11월 29일 오전 6:37
교정 · 6


I hurt my finger.
I don't know what I did wrong but suddenly my ring finger nail got painful and it became swollen.
I tried to cure take care of it by using some Hydrogen peroxide Solution but it didn't work at all.
So I then took a picture of my finger and sent it to my parents. because I thought they might know the way how to treat it my finger.
After seeing the picture, my mother let me know one way of curing taking care of it.
This is was the way she suggested: Make a dough with using flour, water and salt. And Then cover the hurt part area with the dough. T and that's all !
OMG! It sounded ridiculously simple but I didn't have any another idea how to treat my finger.
I guess trying wouldn´t hurt!!!
I just hope my finger to be will really get cured. well..

2014년 12월 2일


I hurt my finger.
I don't know what I did wrong but suddenly my ring finger nail got pain started hurting and it became swollen.
I tried to cure it by using hydrogen peroxide solution but it didn't work at all.
So I took a picture of my finger and sent it to my parents because I thought they might know the way how to treat my finger.
After seeing the picture, my mother let me know one way of curing it.
This is was the way: Make a Mix dough with flour, water and salt and then cover the hurt part with the dough. That's all !
OMG.. It sounds ridiculous..... but..I don't have any other idea way to treat my finger..
Trying wouldn't hurt!!!
I just hope my finger to be is cured soon well..


Wow, that sounds painful! I hope you feel better soon!! Other than that, your English writing is pretty good. Keep up the good work!

2014년 11월 29일
Thank you so much! I like to learn various expressions. I appreciate it.
2014년 11월 29일
Wow seems interesting. I hope it works out for you! You can say "I just hope my finger gets better!" "I just hope my finger heals well" Or "I just hope my finger will be cured soon"
2014년 11월 29일
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