State Codes? If I remember correctly, I've heard that there is state codes on wearing a mask in public. It's never new for us to wear a mask in public or at work...etc to prevent ourselves from catching a cold. When I was working at a hotel in CA, those housekeeping ladies never wear a mask while they are cleaning rooms because somebody told me that wearing mask can be offensive. It's absurd that we can't protect ourselves from the majority virus floating in the air just by wearing a mask. Can we not even wear one anywhere except at hospitals? I live in desert and we get a lot of fugitive dust. I'm afraid of wearing one even when I'm out for a grocery shopping. Is that state codes that we are not allowed to do? What are your thoughts? Thank you, Saya
2014년 12월 26일 오후 9:32
교정 · 3
Thank you! Yes, we do in Japan to protect ourselves. There are still many people that are addicted to cigarette and they even smoke in the booth with mask then put it back on which is obviously a poor sanitation. My brother-in-law plays golf and when we go see him play, there is a lot of dust/sand storm going on at the golf course. I'm afraid of wearing one because if it's one of the state codes, I would get in trouble over the nonsense.
2014년 12월 27일
Well done! I don't know about US state laws unfortunately, but it's quite normal to see people wearing face masks here in Tokyo, of course. The other day, I even saw someone take one off to have a cigarette! Maybe they thought their cigarette smoke was somehow cleaner than the air around them...?!
2014년 12월 27일

State Laws?

If I remember correctly, I heard that there are state laws on wearing masks in public.
[In Japan,] it's not unusual for us to wear masks in public or at work, to prevent ourselves from catching a cold.
At the hotel I worked at in CA, the housekeeping ladies never wear masks while cleaning rooms because somebody told me that wearing a mask can be offensive [to guests?]. It's absurd that we can't protect ourselves from countless airboune viruses just by wearing a mask. Can we only wear them in hospitals? I live in the desert and we get a lot of dust [sand storms?]. I'm afraid to wear one even when I'm out grocery shopping. Is there are state law forbidding masks in public? What are your thoughts?

Thank you,

2014년 12월 27일
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