"Mówienie" vs. "mówiąc" I have come across two different words that seem to be translated the same way but are used in different contexts: Mówienie w obcym językiem. (Speaking in a foreign language) Ściśle mówiąc. (Strictly speaking) What is the difference between these two words? Dziękuję za pomoc!
2015년 1월 6일 오후 7:26
교정 · 9

"Mówienie" vs. "mówiąc"

I have come across two different words that seem to be translated the same way but are used in different contexts:

Mówienie w obcym języku. (Speaking in a foreign language)

Ściśle mówiąc. (Strictly speaking)

What is the difference between these two words?

Dziękuję za pomoc!


2015년 1월 6일
If you'd like to make nous from verbs you need to add '-(e)nie' suffix to the core of the verb, instead of 'ć'. Exapmle: mówić - mówienie (to speak - speaking as a noun). Grać - granie (to play, playing), chodzić - chodzenie (in this case, you took 'ić' out, to walk, walking), gotować - gotowanie (to cook, cooking). But it IS NOT a rule. For example pić - picie (to drink, drinking), jeść - jedzenie (to eat, eating).
2015년 1월 11일
There is also some harder form used, but thankfully much rarer. -iwszy Grawszy na flecie, czułem się naprawdę dumny. Śpiwszy, jakiś dźwięk mnie obudził. Widziwszy coś.... But don't use it, it is archaic form, I only want to say, that there is such form, sometimes used in the books or movies.
2015년 1월 9일
Everything depends on the type of action and the timing of such action. You can say "Gdy" I do something or "gdy" I was doing something, but also you can say "ąc". Robić - robiąc/gdy robię/gdy robiłem widzieć - widząc/gdy widzę/gdy widziałem And so on.
2015년 1월 9일
Example with grać "to play" When I was playing on the flute I felt really proud Grając na flecie, czułem się naprawdę dumny Gdy grałem na flecie, czułem się naprawdę dumny. When I play flute, I feel really proud. Grając na flecie, czuję się naprawdę dumny Gdy gram na flecie, czuję się bardzo dumny
2015년 1월 9일
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