20 years soon Hello, next month, I will be 47 years old, I don't like it, because I don't want to become old,I always believe I'm 20, I often go sport, I fell myself, but infortunaly my eyes are getting old, then I have to put glasses to read, It's like that, I must tell you that I can't complain because I have a good health for the moment, and that, it's the more important. Thanks a lot for any corrections. Didier
2015년 1월 30일 오후 10:39
교정 · 2

20 years pass quickly


Next month I will be 47 years old. I don't like it, because I don't want to become old. I still feel as if I am 20 years old. I often play sports. I still feel very young, but unfortunately, my eyes are getting old, and I require glasses to read. However, I must say that I can't complain because I have good health for the moment, and that is the most important gift. 

Thanks a lot for any corrections.


2015년 1월 30일

20 years soon

Hello, next month, I will be 47 years old, I don't like it, because I don't want to become old,I always believe I'm 20, I often go sport, I fell myself, but infortunaly my eyes are getting old, then I have to put glasses to read, It's like that, I must tell you that I can't complain because I have a good health for the moment, and that, it's the more important.

Thanks a lot for any corrections.


'I always believe . . ' :  I want to believe ? [unless you really believe . . !]

'I often go sport' :  I often do sports / I often take part in sports / I'm active in sports

'I fell myself' :  I tell myself ?

'infortunaly' :  unfortunately

'put glasses' :  wear/use glasses

'I have a good health' :  I have good health / I enjoy good health

'and that, it's the more important.' :  and that's more important.

2015년 1월 30일
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