Social Skills are As Important As Academic Qualifications I agree with the view that interpersonal skills are comparably important as educational levels. It should be realized that in contemporary society, social skills play a vital role in both career development and daily lives. The social skill can be recognized as a kind of influence. In other words, it combines whether we can control the emotions, in which way we express our ideas and how we can give good impression on others. People can benefit from good interpersonal skills when they get along with others. Because of good communication skills and emotional insights, they are likely to have a sense of identity in social activities or in workplace. While anyone cannot deny the importance of social skills, educational background is still the essential measurement for people. It is undeniable that the well-educated people are most likely to have a bright future. For example, if a person has completed tertiary education, he/she is certainly more competitive than the uneducated counterparts. In this respect, academic qualifications give people a chance to acquire well-paid jobs for their self-fulfillment. I am convinced that the combination of academic qualifications and interpersonal skills is the basic requirement for anyone. As with all questions of educational background versus social skills, they are not mutually exclusive but comparably important. Without the academic qualification, people are unlikely to gain ideal job opportunities, and without social skills, they can hardly succeed in the workplace and build good relationships with friends in their personal lives. In conclusion, I agree that people should develop their social skills, coupled with educational levels. People should be encouraged to study how to communicate with others, then they can have a better life.
2015년 2월 1일 오전 3:08