Немного помощи на самолете Я работаю стюардом на самолетах. Я был вчера в Лондоне а были много Украинцев из Киева с стыковочными рейсами. В одной из пассажиров назначенного сидиния уже сидел кто-то, поэтому я попросил у сидящего пассажира за его посадочным талоном. Я сравнил их посадочные талоны и они, в самом деле, были те же самые...Пассажира толька говорила по-русский а я столкнулся с трудностями ей объяснить что это была дупликация сиденья...Мне удалось найти для ее новый сиденье, и все оказался хорошо... I work as a flight attendant on an airplane...I was in London yesterday and there were many Ukrainians from Kiev with connecting flights...In one passenger's assigned seat, someone was already seated so I asked the seated passenger for his boarding pass...I compared the boarding passes, and they were indeed the same...The passenger only spoke Russian and I ran into difficulties explaining to her that there was a seat duplication...I managed to find her a new seat, and everything turned out fine.... Hi everyone =) This is my first real notebook entry, please feel free to correct/reword my writing as much as is needed to make it sound more like how a native speaker would say things...I was unsure of how to say a few things in particular, mainly: how to say "connecting flights", "In one passenger's assigned seat" and "seat duplications" Thanks very much in advance for any corrections!
2015년 3월 5일 오전 7:32
교정 · 5

Немного о помощи на самолете самолетах

Я работаю стюардом на самолетах в авиакомпанииЯ был вчера в Лондоне, а и были было много Украинцев украинцев из Киева со стыковочными стыковочных рейсами рейсов. В одной из пассажиров назначенного сидиния уже сидел кто-то   На месте одной из пассажиров уже кто-то сидел, поэтому я попросил у сидящего пассажира за его посадочным посадочный талоном талон. Я сравнил их посадочные талоны и они, в самом деле, были те же самые одинаковые... Пассажирка толька говорила только по-русский по-русски, а и я столкнулся с трудностями мне было сложно ей объяснить,  что это была дупликация дубликат сиденья места...Мне удалось найти для нее новый новое сиденье место, и все оказался стало хорошо...

I work as a flight attendant on an airplane...I was in London yesterday and there were many Ukrainians from Kiev with connecting flights...In one passenger's assigned seat, someone was already seated so I asked the seated passenger for his boarding pass...I compared the boarding passes, and they were indeed the same...The passenger only spoke Russian and I ran into difficulties explaining to her that there was a seat duplication...I managed to find her a new seat, and everything turned out fine....

Hi everyone =)
This is my first real notebook entry, please feel free to correct/reword my writing as much as is needed to make it sound more like how a native speaker would say things...I was unsure of how to say a few things in particular, mainly:
how to say "connecting flights",
"In one passenger's assigned seat" and
"seat duplications"

Thanks very much in advance for any corrections!

2015년 3월 5일

Немного помощи в самолете

Я работаю стюардом на самолетах. Вчера мы были в Лондоне, и на нашем рейсе было много украинцев из Киева, летящих с пересадкой. Ко мне обратилась одна из пассажирок, на месте которой уже кто-то сидел. Поэтому я попросил у сидящего пассажира предъявить его посадочный талон. Я сравнил оба талона, и они, в самом деле, оказались одинаковыми... Пассажирка говорила только по-русски, и я столкнулся с трудностями, пытаясь объяснить ей, что произошла ошибка [<em>на одно место продано два билета</em>]...Мне удалось найти для нее новое место, и все оказалось хорошо...

I <a id="_GPLITA_0" style="background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent ! important; border: medium none ! important; display: inline-block ! important; text-indent: 0px ! important; float: none ! important; font-weight: bold ! important; height: auto ! important; margin: 0px ! important; min-height: 0px ! important; min-width: 0px ! important; padding: 0px ! important; text-transform: uppercase ! important; text-decoration: underline ! important; vertical-align: baseline ! important; width: auto ! important;" title="Click to Continue > by TermTutor" href="#">work</a> as a flight attendant on an airplane...I was in London yesterday and there were many Ukrainians from Kiev with connecting flights...In one passenger's assigned seat, someone was already seated so I asked the seated passenger for his boarding pass...I compared the boarding passes, and they were indeed the same...The passenger only spoke Russian and I ran into difficulties explaining to her that there was a seat duplication...I managed to find her a new seat, and everything turned out fine....

Hi everyone =)
This is my first real notebook entry, please feel free to correct/reword my writing as much as is needed to make it sound more like how a native speaker would say things...I was unsure of how to say a few things in particular, mainly:
how to say "connecting flights",
"In one passenger's assigned seat" and
"seat duplications"

Thanks very much in advance for any corrections!

2015년 3월 6일

Немного помощи в полете

Я работаю стюардом на самолете. Я был вчера в Лондоне и там было много украинцев из Киева со стыковочными рейсами. На месте одного из пассажиров уже кто то сидел, поэтому я проверил у сидящего пассажира   его посадочный талон .Он оказался  тоже правильным. ..Пассажирка   говорила только по-русски  и я с трудом обьяснил ей  это...Мне удалось найти для нее новое сиденье  и все закончилось хорошо...

I work as a flight attendant on an airplane...I was in London yesterday and there were many Ukrainians from Kiev with connecting flights...In one passenger's assigned seat, someone was already seated so I asked the seated passenger for his boarding pass...I compared the boarding passes, and they were indeed the same...The passenger only spoke Russian and I ran into difficulties explaining to her that there was a seat duplication...I managed to find her a new seat, and everything turned out fine....

Hi everyone =)
This is my first real notebook entry, please feel free to correct/reword my writing as much as is needed to make it sound more like how a native speaker would say things...I was unsure of how to say a few things in particular, mainly:
how to say "connecting flights",
"In one passenger's assigned seat" and
"seat duplications"

Thanks very much in advance for any corrections!

2015년 3월 5일

Немного помощи на самолете

Я работаю стюардом на самолетах. Я был вчера в Лондоне и там было много Украинцев из Киева с пересадочными рейсами (или рейсами с пересадкой). На месте одного из пассажиров уже сидел кто-то, поэтому я попросил у сидящего пассажира его посадочный талон. Я сравнил их посадочные талоны и они, в самом деле, были одинаковые... Пассажирка говорила только по-русски и я столкнулся с трудностями объяснить ей что это был дубликат места... Мне удалось найти для нее новое место, и все оказался хорошо...

I work as a flight attendant on an airplane...I was in London yesterday and there were many Ukrainians from Kiev with connecting flights...In one passenger's assigned seat, someone was already seated so I asked the seated passenger for his boarding pass...I compared the boarding passes, and they were indeed the same...The passenger only spoke Russian and I ran into difficulties explaining to her that there was a seat duplication...I managed to find her a new seat, and everything turned out fine....

Hi everyone =)
This is my first real notebook entry, please feel free to correct/reword my writing as much as is needed to make it sound more like how a native speaker would say things...I was unsure of how to say a few things in particular, mainly:
how to say "connecting flights",
"In one passenger's assigned seat" and
"seat duplications"

Thanks very much in advance for any corrections!

2015년 3월 5일
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