Fairy tales A fairy-tale usually begins with Once upon a time or A long time ago or Long, long ago. The story is told in the past. The story takes place eather in a castle, or in a forest or in a town. There are nice, helpful and evil, mean characters. There are talking animals, talking furnitures. Moreover there are magical creatures like fairies, dwarves, goblins. The most important thing is undeniably that fairy-tales always contain a problem to solve and that the problem is always solved. All fairy-tales have a morality, a lesson to be drawn and the end doesn't always have to be happy. Then Fantasy is a genre which became known thanks to the work of Tolkien and has been continued by important author such as James Thurber, C.S Lewis, Roal Dahl, this genre does bring attention to specific characteristics too : The story takes place in a parallel universe, an imaginary world and there are magical creatures, there's epic. Firstly I'm going to talk about the text by Joseph Jacobs – Lazy Jack. The story is about a boy named Jack who lives with his mother. They are very poor and to accomodate their needs Jack has to work, but, unfortunately Jack is really lazy and he could not reach it but one day he finally success one thing, which is to make laugh a sad girl and he marries her and they lived happily. So in this story we can see a lot of characteristics of fairy-tales firstly it begins with '' Once upon a time '', moreover Jack and his mother are poor and the daughter and his father are rich these elements also are included in the characteristics of fairy-tales. There's a problem to solve which is : How can Jack earn his living ? And obviously there's a solution : Jack makes the rich girl laugh and he marries her. Then the story included a morality which could be : We've to persevere or Even if you act stupidly you can still help someone. What's more there's a happy ending because Jack finally earned his living and besides his mother lived with them in great happiness until she died. Then I'm going to talk about Alice's Adventures in Wonderland The extract is about a girl called Alice, after having passed through a mirror, a looking-glass she arrives in a parallel world, there she meets a knight who makes things which at a first glance may appear odd for Alice but in fact they aren't, he has just a logic of it is own. we can find in this story a mixe humour and nonsense : Alice exploting all the loopholes of the English' language, playing with synonymy, polysemy
2015년 3월 6일 오후 7:57