Hi! I want to practise my speaking english skills My name is Sasha! I am from Ukraine.I can discussing different topics such as IT, different hobbies, books, films, cultures
2015년 3월 30일 오후 3:05
교정 · 8

Hi! I want to practise my speaking english skills

My name is Sasha! I am from Ukraine. I can discussing discuss different topics such as IT, different hobbies, books, films, cultures...

2015년 3월 30일

Hi! I want to practise my speaking english skills

My name is Sasha! I am from Ukraine.I can discuss different topics such as IT, different active hobbies, books, films, trips, cultures

2015년 4월 1일

I am from the central part of Ukraine[1] -Kiev. You will be learning[2] programming in Ukraine? I will try to clarify your options between Ruby and Java. I suppose that it depends on different factors: what country will you be working in? what background[3] do you have? But if we are talking only about the pros and cons between Ruby and Java, I should note that the positive side of Java is that Java is more desired by many international companies. We still don't have enough qualified Java spesialists. Also, it is a well paid job. But with it we encounter a lot of disadvantages, such as: You should have a strong technical and logical foundation (C#, C++), and you should difinetely know Java with other programming languages like MySQL, Oracle, which will make you really good. And Java is more complicated when it comes to learning it. I don't know a lot about Ruby. I should say that it is easier to learn because of its laconic and simple syntax. It is new. We're short on Ruby specialists, too, unfortunately.[4]



1. Interchangeable with "I am from Central Ukraine," "Central Ukraine" being a proper geographical name in its own right; hence, the capitalization in this alternative variant.

2. "Studying" if at an education institution. "Learning" is to «вчити» what "studying" is to «вивчати», but with a more academic connotation.

3a. The primary meaning of the word "basement" is «підвал», LOL!

3b. It doesn't sound very idiomatic/natural in English one way or the other. A slightly more natural way to put it is "What foundation do you have so far to build on?"

4. То нестачі ж яких спеціалістів ми НЕ маємо?
#. The word "say," when used as an expletive (вставне слово), means "for example" (аналогічно зі «скажімо»).

2015년 4월 1일
Not at a university or anything like that, just thought about at least familiarizing myself with coding, on my own. I don't have a "basement" in it, and, you know, in my case, naturally, the first question everyone ask themselves is "What language to learn first?" and there's no one correct answer. As far as the near future goes, Israel is where I'll be working, but of course, heaven knows where I may wind up after that -- Ukraine, the US, or elsewhere. Yeah, I've noticed that Java is desired by many companies even in the financial sector, and then a high school friend of mine who's studying CS in Poland recommended it to me, but now I see that it has its shortfalls and that it may not be the best place to start. Thanks for the explanation. Would you recommend any other language to start with? Python, perhaps? OXOXOXOXOXOX Too bad iTalki doesn't have all those dandy correction tools in the comments section. I'll post the corrections below instead, if that's okay.
2015년 4월 1일

Hi! I Want to Practice My English Speaking english Skills

My name is Sasha! I am from Ukraine. I can discussing different topics such as IT, different hobbies, books, films, and cultures.

2015년 3월 31일
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