Interpretation from the Fifty Exercises for Lover/陳雪 Numerous strange and weird problems appear as mushrooms grow after a shower. This is “getting along.” It is not meeting in which there is no words necessary but communication under the atmosphere of sweet and honey. It is not agreement with the lover, for example, “everything is okay; whatever you say is okay,” and “I will be happy only if you are happy.” It is not the once a week date in which I pour all passion of life and after which I still feel trembled while remember the temperature of your face. Getting along with each other, strange and never being taking place of, is also a way of falling in love. It means the two open the gate of life to each other and try to blend oneself with the other. It begins romantically but it proceeds with difficulty. I don’t know how many people in the process get angry and think “there is no more love between us,” or sigh with a moan, “we have become an old couple,” or even consider “the next lover will be better,” while encountering with frustration. They are the envies if they don’t directly give up to the stagnant water period of relationship but enter the situation of an old couple, in which, like rippleless lake, each matches the other. 千奇百怪的問題像雨後的蘑菇紛紛長出來了. 這就是「相處」,不是那種你儂我儂不需開口說一句話什麼都可以溝通的「見面」,不是那種「好好好,什麼都依你」,「只要你快樂我就快樂」的一面倒贊同,不是一週一次每次都像要把人生全部傾倒的傾注熱情,回家後想到對方的臉還會感到顫抖的「約會」. 相處是一種奇怪卻又無可取代的戀愛方式,意味著兩人將把生活向對方打開,並融入他人世界裡,開始得浪漫,進行時絕不輕鬆,我不知道有多少人會在這過程裡忿忿想到「我們已經不是愛了吧」,或者哀嘆著「唉啊變成老夫老妻了」,甚至一遇到挫折就想著「下一個會更好」.倘若可以順利變成已經磨合到水波不興的老夫妻狀態,而非一下子就放棄直接跳入死水期,那倒是令人生羨.
2015년 4월 19일 오전 10:29