Homework of Speaking English Class Assignment: Learn 5 important words for teacher and student : 1. meaning of each word; 2. Why is it important to student and teacher. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… The 5 words I chose are inspire, update, review, think and patience. So the first one, inspire here means to make the students want to learn. Why is it important? We have already known the close relationship of interest and effective learning. Albert Einstein once said: “interest is the best teacher.” And I think interests need to be inspired. So inspire is important. The second one, update. It means, first, to keep all the teaching material up to date. and then , to inform the students latest information . Because nowadays the world is developing so fast, if we cannot keep up to date then we are out. The third one, review. It means to look back, to consider the achievement and the lost carefully. Reviewing is essential to making progress. Think. Here means to form an opinion about someone or something. To think it over before adopting other’s opinions can greatly improve the learning ability. And the last one, patience. It means the capacity to accept or tolerate delays or problems. To teacher, it is important to be patient to students. Because every student is different, some are clever and some are not so clever, but they all have their talent. Be patient, they won’t let you down. To student, patience is also important. Because patience can keep one’s focus, and thus help them to achieve their goals. In conclusion, these 5 words are important to students and teachers.
2015년 4월 21일 오후 2:58