Please, help me translate this text (hungarian) here's my variant: 1)All together cry :"heyho!" The Danube carries us on the ship To the right-Pesht, to the left- Buda. Turn towards Margit island go under the Chain Bridge Meanwhile mother feeding gulls.
2015년 5월 1일 오후 8:09
교정 · 4

Please, help me translate this text (hungarian)

here's my variant:
1)All together cry :"heyho!"
The Danube carries us on the ship
To the right-Pesht, to the left- Buda.
Turn towards Margit island
go under the Chain Bridge
Meanwhile mother feeding gulls.

 Mindenki egyszerre: "Hejhó!"

A Dunán hajózunk.

Jobbra Pest, ballra Buda.

A Margit-szigerte vesszük az irányt
majd a Lánchid alatt találjuk magunkat.
Közben a sirály anyuka eteti a fiókáit.

This is a very raw translation as the text is too :) 

2015년 5월 5일

Please, help me translate this text (hungarian)

here's my variant:
1)All together Let's cry shout(or something similar):"heyho!"
(The Danube carries us on the ship) just change the order: the ship carries us on the Danube
To on the right-Pesht, to on the left- Buda.
Turn towards Margit island
go under the Chain Bridge
Meanwhile mother feeding gulls.

2015년 5월 5일
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