"聰明" 的目標 一個"聰明"的目標有五個方面: 第一: "特定" -- 目標不能太廣, 需要訂下一個很清楚的原應或效果. 第二: "能測" -- 目標需要能測, 才知道有沒有得到 第三: "實際" -- 如果不實際就不算目標, 算夢想. 第四: "貼題" -- 一個沒貼題的目標沒有什麼好處. 第五: "時限" -- 世界上最公平的事實就是每個人一天都有24小時. 目標需要一個期限, 才有緊迫感. ------------------- A "SMART" goal has five components: 1: "Specific" -- a goal cannot be too broad. It must be clearly stated or have a clearly defined outcome. 2: "Measurable" -- progress towards a goal must be measurable to know if progress or the goal is achieved 3. "Achievable" -- the goal should be realistic, or otherwise it's just a dream 4. "Relevant" -- goals should pursue something of worth 5. "Time-bound" -- The only universal truth is that everyone has only 24 hours in a day. A goal must have a time-limit to instill a sense of urgency
2015년 5월 26일 오후 6:26
교정 · 8

"聰明" 的目標

一個"聰明"的目標有五個方面要件 (Use"要件" would be more specific to "components"):

第一: "特定" -- 目標不能太廣, 需要訂下一個很清楚的原應具備明確性清楚的效果.
第二: "能測"可預見 would be better -- 目標需要能測有可預見性, 才知道有沒有
第三: "實際"可達成 -- 如果不實際就不算目標, 算夢想. 如果目標不實際,那就只是個夢想而已
第四: "貼題" -- 一個沒貼題的目標沒有什麼好處. (refer to the correction of the first one)
第五: "時限" -- 世界上最公平的事實唯一不變的真理就是每個人一天都有24小時. 目標需要一個期限, 才有緊迫感.
A "SMART" goal has five components:
1: "Specific" -- a goal cannot be too broad. It must be clearly stated or have a clearly defined outcome.
2: "Measurable" -- progress towards a goal must be measurable to know if progress or the goal is achieved
3. "Achievable" -- the goal should be realistic, or otherwise it's just a dream
4. "Relevant" -- goals should pursue something of worth
5. "Time-bound" -- The only universal truth is that everyone has only 24 hours in a day. A goal must have a time-limit to instill a sense of urgency

2015년 5월 28일

"聰明" 的目標


第一: "特定" -- 目標不能太廣, 需要訂下一個很清楚的原應原因或效果.
第二: "能測" -- 目標需要能測, 才知道有沒有得到
第三: "實際" -- 如果不實際就不算目標, 算夢想.
第四: "貼題" (可能翻成"相應"比較洽當)-- 一個沒貼題的目標沒有什麼好處. (目標應該追求有意義的價值)
第五: "時限" -- 世界上最公平的事實就是每個人一天都有24小時. 目標需要一個期限, 才有緊迫感.
A "SMART" goal has five components:
1: "Specific" -- a goal cannot be too broad. It must be clearly stated or have a clearly defined outcome.
2: "Measurable" -- progress towards a goal must be measurable to know if progress or the goal is achieved
3. "Achievable" -- the goal should be realistic, or otherwise it's just a dream
4. "Relevant" -- goals should pursue something of worth
5. "Time-bound" -- The only universal truth is that everyone has only 24 hours in a day. A goal must have a time-limit to instill a sense of urgency

2015년 5월 28일
i am a native Chinese speaker. And I am interested in computer science. Now I am studying SQL and Python. i would like to exchange languages with you. my skype: skypejackchen
2015년 6월 30일

"聰明" 的目標


第一: "特定"(瑣定目標)-- 目標不能太廣, 需要訂下一個很清楚的因(/動機)或(/和預定的) 
第二: "能測"(可預期) -- 目標需要能測,(/達成目標的過程需要能被評估,) 才知道有沒有得到 (/施行到哪個階段, 有沒有達到預期的成果)
第三: "實際" (可行性)-- (目標需要是實際而可行的,) 如果不實際就不算目標, (只能)算夢想 
第四: "貼題" (切題)-- 一個沒貼題的目標沒有什麼好處(無意義可言)(需追求真正有價值的東西)
第五: "時限"(時效性) -- 世界上最公平的一個事實就是每個人一天都有24小時。(每個)目標(都)需要一個期限, 才有緊迫感(/才能循序漸進的推動一個計劃的進/行) 
A "SMART" goal has five components:
1: "Specific" -- a goal cannot be too broad. It must be clearly stated or have a clearly defined outcome.
2: "Measurable" -- progress towards a goal must be measurable to know if progress or the goal is achieved
3. "Achievable" -- the goal should be realistic, or otherwise it's just a dream
4. "Relevant" -- goals should pursue something of worth
5. "Time-bound" -- The only universal truth is that everyone has only 24 hours in a day. A goal must have a time-limit to instill a sense of urgency

2015년 5월 28일
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