Please correct these sentences 1. Can I rely on you? I have a secret. You will get shivers when you listen to it. 2. Ann bought a gorgeous wig. What did propel her? She envies your bushy hair. 3. She is exhausted after a last quarrel with her chief. She should have a patience, everything will be all right. 4. He boasted his new leggy girlfriend. I think she has an awkward walking. 5. She decided to lure him. It is boldness from her, because he is married. 6. The distinction between you and me is I can feel remorse, you never regret. 7. She has such diversity of rings. She boasted that one of them is with real emerald. 8. Can you imagine that a surgeon corrected an outcome their last quarrel. 9. Be indulgent towards me and have a mercy. 10. I get shivers when I leave a cold water.
2015년 6월 3일 오후 1:48
교정 · 1

Please correct these sentences

1. Can I trust you? I have a secret. You will get shivers down your spine when you hear it.
2. Ann bought a gorgeous wig. What prompted her? She envies your bushy hair.
3. She is exhausted after her latest quarrel with her boss. She should be patient, everything will be all right.
4. He showed off his new leggy girlfriend. I think she walks awkwardly.
5. She decided to seduce him. It is brazen of her because he is married.
6. The distinction between you and me is I can feel remorse and you never have regrets.
7. She has such a diversity of rings. She boasted that one of them has a real emerald.
8. Can you imagine that a surgeon had to operate after their last quarrel?
9. Indulge me and show mercy.
10. I get shivers when I emerge from cold water.

2015년 6월 3일
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