hebrew word for werewolf? I have heard adam-zeeb ( אדם זאב ) for werewolf in hebrew... But I was reading a book and they called him מזדאב Hownto spell it? (Phonetic)
2015년 7월 22일 오후 3:20
교정 · 4

זאב = wolf (pronounced: ze-ev)

אדם = man (pronounced: a-dam)

אדם זאב = werewolf (pronounced: a-dam ze-ev, literally means: "man wolf")

מִזְדָּאֵב = a verb meaning "(he) becomes / is becoming a werewolf" (pronounced: miz-da-ev)


(see also my comment above)



2015년 7월 22일
Toda raba khaverim!
2015년 7월 28일
Indeed, a Werewolf in Hebrew is Adam-Ze'ev (literally: Man-Wolf). אדם זאב As for the other word -- it's an attempt for a verb: (conjugated in Binyan Hitpael, present, 3rd person masculine) He is becoming / becomes a Werewolf => miz-da-ev מזדאב She is becoming / becomes a Werewolf => miz-da-evet מזאבת And so "to become a Werewolf" => "le-hiz-da-ev" להזדאב
2015년 7월 22일
Adam zeeb? Sounds like wolf in Arabic Deeb.
2015년 7월 22일
더 빨리 진행하고 싶나요?
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