Can somebody translate me this ? (3/6) The question is in the title.
2015년 7월 26일 오후 9:22
교정 · 6


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم   =  In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


To justify the numbers and letters, some people misuse this  sacred words mentioned above.

The Arabic numbers and letters written below in tables are the works of magicians and

sorcerers. Generally it is used for cheating and doing harm for others.


2015년 7월 27일
Thank you Mumtaz and Souhaa.
2015년 7월 28일
Oh Souhaa! The 3 papers are the same, and this is really scary!بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم is deliberately written in the wrong way and it's haram, I didn't even notice that in the first paper! Yes, I agree there are symbols that I don't know and the rest are just numbers.
2015년 7월 27일
well after a second look ,the half of the second sentance is written in a weird way ... maybe it's persan but still it means the same thing XD
2015년 7월 26일
well the first sentence is in arabic , it is used generally when you are going to begin something and it means litterally ''In the name of God the Merciful'' the rest is a bunch of numbers!! for example . = zero , l = 1 , but still there are some symbols I couldn't understand .. anyway I hope I helped
2015년 7월 26일
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