youtube video Recently I"ve watched a very interesting video on youtube which is called "Success". It was crucial for me and I enjoyed it so much... I absorbed all information like a sponge. The speaker told the audience how to become affluent and successful. He also told about the importance of goals setting and planning your life. I found it very useful.I must admit that it was really useful for me and I enjoyed it greatly.
2015년 7월 27일 오후 7:27
교정 · 2

youtube video

Recently, I watched a very interesting video on Youtube called "Success". It was crucial for me and I enjoyed it so much... I absorbed all the information like a sponge. The speaker told the audience how to become affluent and successful. He also talked about the importance of setting goals and planning your life. I found it very useful. I must admit that it was really useful for me and I enjoyed it greatly.

2015년 7월 28일
hey Yana. thanks for sharing that :)
2015년 7월 27일
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