Word "Cabin" What word means "Cabin "(or it"s reduction another word)
2015년 9월 1일 오후 6:11
교정 · 2

Still another meaning of "cabin" is a small, simple house (домик), often made of wood (деревянный) or logs (бревенчатый), and typically located in the country (в сельской местности). 

2015년 9월 2일

Word "Cabin"

What does "Cabin" mean or is it a contraction of another word?


Hello Marina,

There are a couple of meanings of cabin depending on the context. We usually use it to refer to a room on a ship where you can stay, it can also mean the part of a plane where the passengers sit. A less common meaning is the little room in which you have a shower.


Hope this helps



2015년 9월 1일
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