Moja sveska U ovoj svesci ce se nalaziti najbitnije stvari o meni i mom zivotu.
2015년 9월 27일 오후 4:06
교정 · 1

Moja sveska

U ovoj svesci c će se nalaziti najbitnije (you can also say: "najvažnije")  stvari o meni i mom z životu. 

Really nice job, just keep it up. 

Please, use the Serbian keyboard because it is so important. 

If you do not know how to do it, or you have any further questions more,  please let me know and I am going to asnwer you with pleasure. 

If you need classes, feel free to book them here: http://www.italki.com/teachers/professional

Have a nice day.

2015년 9월 29일
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