Advanced learners and native speakers, please, help with text correction on medical theme Please, help with grammar and spelling corrections This text was translated from Russian. Please, let me know, if you catch the main idea of this extract. Some vocabulary advices for translations are highly desirable: недопинговые средства - 1) non-drug-doping substances 2) agents of a non-exhaustive action Adaptogen and actoprotection activity of succinates: experience of applying the oxymethylethylpyridine succinate ( Mexidol) in judo. One of the highest priority problems of the modern sport records is a search for agents of a non-exhaustive action for pharmacological correction, which aimed at keeping physical performance at a high level in extreme competitive activity. Research objective is to estimate the oxymethylethylpyridine succinate efficiency in a range of activities intended to enhance the energy-supply aerobic process to the maximum extend that improve physical performance, aerobic and strength endurance among athletes, who practice highly qualified strength disciplines. Course treatment of oxymethylethylpyridine succinate in a doze of 250 mg a day for 8 days among highly qualified judoists during the regenerative training camp has proven its adaptogenic, stress reducing and actoptotective effects.
2015년 10월 8일 오후 12:24
교정 · 1

Advanced learners and native speakers, please, help with text correction on medical theme

Please, help with grammar and spelling corrections

This text was translated from Russian.

Please, let me know, if you catch the main idea of this extract.
Vocabulary advice for translation is highly desirable:
недопинговые средства - 1) non-drug-doping substances 2) agents of a non-exhaustive action

Adaptogen and actoprotection activity of succinates: experience of applying the oxymethylethylpyridine succinate ( Mexidol) in judo.

One of the highest priority problems of the modern sport records is a search for agents of a non-exhaustive action for pharmacological correction, aimed at keeping physical performance at a high level in extreme competitive activity.

Research objective is to estimate the oxymethylethylpyridine succinate efficiency in a range of activities intended to enhance the energy-supply aerobic process to the maximum extent that improve physical performance and aerobic and strength endurance among athletes, who practice highly qualified strength disciplines.

Course treatment of oxymethylethylpyridine succinate in a dose of 250 mg a day for 8 days among highly qualified judoists during the regenerative training camp has proven its adaptogenic, stress reducing and actoptotective effects.

2015년 10월 8일
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