My cats In my home living four cats. It's 3-4 more than need. On photo they sleeping curled. It's becose it is cold day. Today snowing and right now a blizzard outside the window. (Thank everybody who correct my notes, it's very impotant for me :)
2015년 10월 9일 오후 1:48
교정 · 3

My cats.

There are four cats living in my home living four cats. It's 3-4 more than I need.
In the photo they are sleeping curled up. It's because it is a cold day. Today it is snowing and right now there is a blizzard outside the window.
(Thankyou to everybody who corrects my notes, it's very important for me :)


In my experience Анастасия, cats tend to adopt people who provide an acceptable home for them. It is then their home and they allow you to share it with them while it suits them or until they find somewhere else they prefer! Each of them probably considers that you need them. I have also not known any cat that likes the cold.

2015년 10월 9일

My cats

In my home living live four cats. It's That's 3-4 more than I need.
On In this (you could also say "In the") photo they are sleeping, curled up, It's because it is a cold day. Today it's snowing and right now there is a blizzard outside the window.

(Thank everybody who correct my notes, it's very impotant for me :)

Glad to help :)

2015년 10월 9일

In my home living four cats. It's 3-4 more than need.

I have four cats that live at home. It's more than I need.


On photo they sleeping curled. It's becose it is cold day. Today snowing and right now a blizzard outside the window. 

On this photo they are sleeping curled up. It's because it is a cold day. Today it's snowing and right now there is a blizzard outside.

2015년 10월 9일
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