전문 강사
こんいちわ! (This is my first attempt at writing a Japanese entry, so it's very simple.) わたしのなまえはまあく(Marc - ええご)。アメリカじんです。にほんごおはなしたいです。そしゅてええごおはなしましょか。っどもありがと!
2015년 10월 12일 오후 8:07
교정 · 6


(This is my first attempt at writing a Japanese entry, so it's very simple.)

わたしのなまえはマーク(Marc - えご)です。アメリカじんです。にほんごはなしたいです。そしてえはなしましょか。どもありがとう.


Good job! Way to go!(^^)/

2015년 10월 13일

こんいちわ!--> こんにちは (type: konnnichiha) *This は is pronounced わ. 

わたしのなまえはマークまあくです。(Marc - えでMarcです。)アメリカじんです。にほんごはなしたいです。そしてえはなしましょか。もありがとうございます


I would say: こんにちは。わたしのなまえはマークです。アメリカじんです。にほんごではなしたいです。そしてえいごでもはなしましょう。よろしくおねがいします。(the literal translation would be: Hi, my name is Marc. I'm American. I want to talk in Japanese. And let's talk in English.)

*よろしくおねがいします has various translations depending on the situation. In this case, it means "thank you" but we don't say ありがとうございます at the end of the introduction. We say more likely "please be my company / please be nice to me". 


Good job! I hope this was helpful. 

2015년 10월 12일
Hello! I think you would write your name in Katakana since it is technically a foreign name. マアク or マーク (Māku)
2015년 10월 12일
더 빨리 진행하고 싶나요?
이 학습 커뮤니티에 참여하고 무료로 연습해보세요!