Red Rain (2) The raindrops fell unbelievably slowly and the sound of everything lasted a very long time. Compared with them, Finn seemed to be super fast. But the problem was that he still need to walk home actually ,step by step. What worse, because of the almost still raindrops, he had no chance to get rid of them. They were everywhere and no way to escape. So soon he became even wetter. Finn kept stepping forward in the depths of the depths of despair. Maybe he was the most unfortunate superpower owner. Suddenly, he crushed into something. Before the 'I'm sorry' came out, he was surprised to see nobody but a floating umbrella in front of him. What a night! 'Anyone made a wish to be invisible?' he muttered, 'who cares? I still got a long way to go.' He kept struggling in the rain slowly. Though in other people's eyes, he was super fast.
2015년 12월 1일 오전 10:47