Surya Prakash
I am learning new language because it is compulsory to get a good job in India. With the help of English I can change my attitude. Some time ago I was not able to speak in English and because of that it was difficult for me to crack any interview. So I decided to learn English and I want to make my self comfortable in this language. It will help in boosting my confident level.
2020년 10월 22일 오전 10:12
교정 · 1
I am learning new language because it is compulsory to get a good job in India. With the help of English I can change my attitude. Some time ago I was not able to speak in English and because of that it was difficult for me to crack any interview. So I decided to learn English and I want to make my self comfortable in this language. It will help in boosting my confident level.
Good job 👍
2020년 10월 22일
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