2011년 5월 7일 오전 2:31
답변 · 4
repeat, repeat and repeat!
2011년 5월 7일
Those are tips to help you memorize English vocabulary and not forget words easily on the long run: Make lists of words you learned and categorize them, e.g words you use at the office , words you use at school, greetings etc.... - Keep a diary in English . Try to use the new words you learned to write and compose simple sentences .The more you add up to your vocabulary, the more you can form intricate ones. Test your level!. - Read with a dictionary. When you run into an unfamiliar word, look it up in the dictionary. Find out what it means right then and there. This may seem like a waste of time or nuisance, but it will definitely and really improve your vocabulary. - Use newly learned vocabulary words in conversation. If you are chatting with someone, and are about to say something using a weaker word when a more direct or powerful one could be used, use the new vocabulary word. This way you will also be embedding the vocabulary word deeper into your active vocabulary and you will certainly be memorizing it. - Watch movies and TV programs in English. Read newspapers and sing songs in English. It all helps you come again and again across words you have already learned and they would be anchored in your memory then. - Relate the words: Use this method if a word reminds you of something, relate it to a memory, or something you have. Those were just few of many methods to help you memorize English vocabulary; you could get inventive and come up with new methods, that helps you to memorize the words more efficiently. Good luck:) *
2011년 5월 7일
if you can insist on read english news paper or books and write diary, then you will remember vocabulary.
2011년 5월 7일
2011년 5월 7일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!