What us the "contrasting lining" in fashion?
2011년 5월 15일 오전 5:16
답변 · 4
In this case it means that the colors, textures, or fabrics oppose each other (opposites). Like light colors and dark colors, smooth and rough, or silk and velvet. I hope I have answered your question. :)
2011년 5월 15일
Hi, it simple means a different colour to the outside fabric.
2011년 5월 15일
here's the context that includes "contrasting lining": ((( Six streamlined designs feature hand-fixed metalwork, reminiscent of the metal details under a neck or seam on the catwalk garments. A small, versatile design displays a contrasting lining, while a larger one plays on the chain bracelet with a jewelled strap.))) so what does it mean?
2011년 5월 15일
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