The difference between someone and somebody The difference between someone and somebody Where can I use what?
2011년 6월 19일 오전 1:42
답변 · 4
According to Collins Cobuild Lexicon there is no difference between someone and somebody and can be interchanged. We use someone or somebody to refer to a person without saying who you mean. examples: Carson sent someone to see me. There was an accident and somebody got killed.
2011년 6월 19일
There is no difference at all between the 2 words.
2011년 6월 19일
somebody- means a person but you know who someone- mans a person but you dont know who hope this helps ^--^
2011년 6월 19일
They are the same and can be used interchangeably. Examples: Here there are no differences. I see someone. I see somebody.
2011년 6월 19일
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