Is it acceptable to use might/would etc. Is it acceptable to use might/would etc. in main clauses (not if clauses) of real conditional sentences?
2011년 9월 28일 오전 8:43
답변 · 4
might/would - always belongs in the main clause. Which book are you learning from?
2011년 9월 28일
Yes, if I understand your question. The word "might" indicates possible action. The word "would" can indicate habitual past action. "As a child, I would play in the woods every day". "Are you going to the movies tonight?" "I might go. What's playing?"
2011년 9월 28일
I've seen a few language forums and blogs where the matter is discussed (eg. "If I would.... then I..."). As much as it could be argued as possible (both are technically past tenses of will/may), the general advice is DON'T ever do it. You would then need to defend your reasoning for doing so, and even then your justification may not be considered acceptable. It's better to write a clear sentence for your reader than expect a technicality to do your reasoning for you.
2011년 9월 28일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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