What is the difference between "theruwan saranai" and "budu saranai"?
2011년 11월 19일 오전 10:16
답변 · 3
“theruwan saranai” and "budu saranai" are used exclusively by Sinhalese Buddhist to wish/greet other Sinhalese Buddhist. Its not supposed to be use elsewhere because they are religious greetings. Theruwan – තෙරුවන් - mean the triple gem in Buddhism. i.e : Lord Buddha , his dhamma (Buddhism) and his disciples (Sangha/monks). Budu - බුදු - is a shorter form for Lord Buddha Saranai – සරණයි - means taking/going refuge of something . But in this context it means that may you be protected/helped/supported by xyz. So all in all it means - theruwan saranai - තෙරුවන් සරණයි - May you be protected by triple gem - budu saranai - බුදු සරණයි - May you be protected by the noble power of Lord Buddha Ganbatte kudasai ^_^
2011년 11월 21일
"Budu Saranai !" = it mean "May the blessings of the Lord Buddha be with you!". "Teruwan Saranai !" = it mean "May the blessings of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha be with you!".
2011년 11월 21일
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