Honorific and non-honorific ? 如何分辨敬語和非敬語? ( How to distinguish between honorific and non-honorific ? )
2012년 8월 6일 오전 9:29
답변 · 1
In Korean language, there are 3 different levels of honorific and 3 levels of non-honorific. But in today's society, you wouldn't have any major difficulty only with 1 honorific and 1 non-honorific. (It becomes important when you want to know more about 'nuance' in advanced Korean) Normally honorific sentences end with ''-요(friendly honorific)/-니다(formal honorific)" but non-honorific sentences don't. Also honorific contains special vocabulary such as "주무시다(자다 in non-honorific which means 'to sleep')" or "진지(식사/밥 in non-honorific, means 'meal') I hope it helps. -Ahtti
2012년 8월 6일
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