what will you do if a man cheated you ?
2012년 11월 8일 오전 2:14
답변 · 5
Oh no, I am very sorry Monica. First, I would ask myself why he cheated on me. If the relationship was good, why did he cheat? If something was bad in the relationship, maybe he cheated because of that. If you were a good girlfriend (i bet you are) then he might not be a good man. Some men want to have different women. I think you should move on. Some men make mistakes but other men are not loyal. It is the same for women, too. It all depends on the person. I hope you find happiness!
2012년 11월 8일
They say moving on, being fabulous and successful with someone else is the best revenge.
2012년 11월 8일
If you are not married to him, be glad that you found out what kind of guy he is before you married him. If you are married to him....
2012년 11월 8일
Your question should be: What would you do if a man cheated on you?
2012년 11월 8일
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