What's the difference between "provisional" and "temporary"?
2012년 11월 12일 오후 12:24
답변 · 4
They are very similar in meaning. The main difference is that something "TEMPORARY": is 'expected' to come to an end in the PRESENT TENSE. Whereas something temporary 'didn't last a long time' in the PAST TENSE. Something 'PROVISIONAL' is, by its nature, 'designed' to come to an end. So something provisional in the PRESENT TENSE is 'designed' to come to an end in the future. Something provisional in the PAST TENSE was 'designed' to come to an end BUT MIGHT NOT HAVE ENDED. To give some contextual examples: "Their agreement was provisional." = They made an agreement and they only INTENDED and DESIGNED it to be temporary. It MAY have lasted a long time or even STILL be in place. "Their agreement was temporary." = The agreement didn't last long. But when the two parties made the agreement, they may have INTENDED it to last longer. I hope this helps you. This is a difficult one to grasp. If you want any further explanation just post a comment. Good luck and take care!
2012년 11월 12일
the difference is that temporary i'll be forever but provisional is just for a period
2012년 11월 12일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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