How do I say these words in korean? These are words I'm having trouble finding: "Make" in its base form "Bake" in its base form "Cook" in its base form "Fry" in its base form "Give" In its base form "Wear" In its base form (I understand there may be different types of wear for different pieces of clothing) "Sit" In its base form and "Rest" In its base form AND "Find" In its base form. I know its a lot..sorry! o: 감사합니다
2013년 5월 16일 오전 12:48
답변 · 3
Make = 확인 Bake = 빵 굽기 Cook = 요리사 Fry = 튀김 Give = 주기 Wear = 착용 Sit = 앉다 Rest = 휴식 Find = 발견
2013년 5월 16일
Woah handy site. Sometimes I really have trouble trusting things like these though and perfer humans...I shall use it for basic things. 감사합니다
2013년 5월 16일
You can easily look these up yourself:
2013년 5월 16일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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