swedish word order Hi! could anybody here be so kind to tell me if there is a rule as to when to put the verb in front of the subject in swedish? I always get that wrong! for instance: "jag äter inte kött eftersom jag är vegetarian" "idag ringde min kompis och frågade om jag ville träffas" are these sentences right? is the verb put in the right place? if there's a way to know where to place the verb,that would make it so much easier :) thank you all!
2014년 3월 11일 오후 6:06
답변 · 8
It's quite easy: In ordinary sentences the verb always comes at second place in the structure. What comes first and third doesn't matter. So both of your examples are correct: "jag äter inte kött eftersom jag är vegetarian" och "idag ringde min kompis och frågade om jag ville träffas" But you could also say: "Kött äter jag inte eftersom jag är vegetarian" (verb at second place) "Eftersom jag är vegetarian äter jag inte kött" ("eftersom jag är vegetarian" beeing adverbial the verb comes second) "Min kompis ringde idag och frågade om jag ville träffas" ("och frågade om jag ville träffas" is a subclause and not part of the main clause so it can't go first) And just like Joel said, if you want to make it into a question the verb comes first. Hope it helped:-)
2014년 3월 15일
The sentences are 100% correct! :) I'm not so sure about rules… But for example in the first sentence, if you put the verb (äter) in front of the subject (jag) it becomes a question and you will have to add a "?". "Äter jag inte kött eftersom jag är vegetarian?" (strange question, but dramatically it is correct. The same goes with your second example. "Ringde jag min kompis?" (Did I call my friend?).
2014년 3월 11일
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