Please I need professional translation of the texts. Thanks Mountain Retail, LLC Ships Internationally to over 100 countries via ether the US Postal Service (USPS) or the FedEx International Mail System (FIMS). Both carriers deliver to your local Customs agency and will be delivered by your local postal service.
2014년 3월 13일 오전 1:40
답변 · 3
Either was misspelled, everything else is OK.
2014년 3월 13일
Mountain Retail, LLC Ships Internationally to over 100 countries via eIther the US Postal Service (USPS) or the FedEx International Mail System (FIMS). Both carriers deliver to your local Customs agency and will be delivered by your local postal service. Mountain Retail 公司通过UPS的邮寄业务或者FEDEX的国际邮寄业务向超过100个国家进行快递业务。两家快递公司都是把产品/商品直接运送到当地的报关行,然后通过当地的邮政服务在进行投递。
2014년 3월 13일
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