Can you help me with german word order? Hi, Getting confused with German word order. In the sentence "Am Abend treffe ich mich mit meiner Schwester". (In the evening i'm meeting my sister).Why is the word order "treffe ich mich" and not "ich treffe mich" as i've seen most sentences put the verb in the middle. Is the meaning slightly changed or is it just flexible? Thank You!
2014년 4월 20일 오후 8:23
답변 · 6
When a part of the sentence is taken to the begining, the verb stays in the second position and the subject goes to the third position. In German you can take almost each part of the sentence to the begining, as long as you keep the verb in the second position: Ich sehe jetzt einen Mann. Jetzt sehe ich einen Mann. Einen Mann sehe ich jetzt.
2014년 4월 20일
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2015년 3월 6일
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2015년 2월 18일
Dear Sam, you're right with "Am Abend treffe ich mich mit meiner Schwester". I can help you with your German excises further, if you like. It would be very nice of you to help me with English. By the way, my English isn't really good. Best wishes from Düsseldorf, Ella
2014년 12월 28일
You re welcome
2014년 4월 21일
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