How to say these in Hindi? The power which comes from overcoming hardship is the building block of strength. India's film culture has undergone a transformation from a decent industry to an indecent one. It has become a phenomenon for the elderly to watch young boys and girls transform into handsome men and beautiful women.
2014년 7월 29일 오전 1:34
답변 · 1
कठिनाई पर नियंत्रण पाने पर जो सत्ता आती है, वह सत्ता ताकत का निर्माण खंड है । भारत के फिल्म संस्कृति एक सभ्य उद्योग से एक असभ्य उद्योग में परिवर्तित हो गयी है।
2014년 8월 10일
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