What is the word that is said when I asked permission to go? What is the word that is said when I asked permission to go, for example, to bring something and back For example, my friends visited me and I wanted to bring for them some drink
2014년 8월 21일 오전 10:47
답변 · 4
It depends on the friends. If they are older than me, whom I talk with the formal form, I would say: ちょっと失礼します。飲みものをお持ちしますね。 If they are whom I talk with the casual form, I would say: ちょっとごめんね。飲みものを持って来るから。 I hope this helps you.
2014년 8월 22일
失礼します? Shitsurei shimasu. I'm guessing.
2014년 8월 21일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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