What's the difference between 事務室 and 事務所? The meaning is "office" in both cases, is this right? どうもありがとうございます。^_^maybe with 室 is more like the office "room" and with 所 more like office "building"?ming, thank you very much! ^_^
2014년 8월 22일 오전 9:12
답변 · 4
I agree with ming. It's the same in Japanese.
2014년 8월 22일
ming, thank you very much! ^_^
2014년 8월 22일
in chinese,室 is a room and 所 is a place,maybe with some rooms. but here they are both abstract。事務所 is like a company,事務室 is like a department of 事務所.
2014년 8월 22일
maybe with 室 is more like the office "room" and with 所 more like office "building"?
2014년 8월 22일
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