she is young, and she is small in arabic how u would say these two sentebces ? ﻫﻲ ﺻﻐﻴﺮة ؟ R those two sentences means the same in arabic ?
2014년 8월 23일 오후 9:19
답변 · 12
small: Her body is small or thin young: her age is young so when you talk about age say صغيرة في العمر او السن and when you talk about body build sayبنيتها صغيرة
2014년 8월 23일
You could say also : عمرها صغير Literal Meaning : Her age is small.
2014년 8월 24일
my question was. This two sentence can be mean bothv. Am i correct ? ﻫﻲ صغيرة
2014년 8월 28일
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