How do I say the following phrases? These are in the context of a taxi or a private driver on my business trips and I'd like to be able to communicate better. -How far is it? -Do we have enough time to eat? -What time should we leave here? -Could you wait for me please? -I'll be right back.
2014년 8월 26일 오후 9:14
답변 · 11
Hi Anna, I'm not going to translate it, I'll tell you the common way -How far is it? Qué tan lejos está? -Do we have enough time to eat? Tenemos tiempo suficiente para comer? -What time should we leave here? A que hora debemos irnos de aqui? -Could you wait for me please? Podrías/Puedes esperarme por favor (Polite) Espérame por favor (Common) -I'll be right back. Vuelvo enseguida! / Ya vuelvo (Common)
2014년 8월 27일
Hi there Anna! It's a pleasure to meet you :) -How far is it? (¿Qué tan lejos es?) -Do we have enough time to eat? (¿Tenemos suficiente tiempo para comer?) -What time should we leave here? (¿A qué hora debemos irnos?) -Could you wait for me please? (¿Puedes esperarme por favor?) -I'll be right back. (Ya regreso) Hope this helps! :)
2014년 8월 26일
-How far is it? ¿Está muy lejos de aquí? /¿A qué distancia está? -Do we have enough time to eat? ¿Tenemos tiempo para comer? -What time should we leave here?¿A qué hora tenemos que irnos? -Could you wait for me please? ¿Me puedes esperar, por favor? -I'll be right back. Ahora vuelvo (coloquial en español de España)
2014년 8월 28일
How far is it?- ¿Que tan lejos está? - ¿Está lejos? -Do we have enough time to eat? - ¿Tenemos suficiente tiempo para comer? -What time should we leave here? - ¿A qué hora debemos irnos de aqui? -Could you wait for me please? - ¿Podrías esperarme por favor? -I'll be right back.- Ya vuelvo . Vuelvo enseguida
2014년 8월 27일
Thank you everyone!
2014년 8월 28일
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