What's mean "by far"? When and how I have to use it?
2014년 9월 15일 오후 8:21
답변 · 4
"By far" means "by much," or "by a great amount." It is used to modify superlatives. It answers the question "by how much?" Example: "He is by far the best cook in town." (He is the best cook. How much better a cook is he than the other cooks? A much better cook. A *far* better cook.)
2014년 9월 15일
It just means "much more". "He is by far the better soccer player." = "He is much more the better soccer player."
2014년 9월 15일
By far means that something is easily more of a certain quality. For example, "This bread is by far the best I have ever eaten." Here, no bread that the speaker has tasted before came close to how good this bread is.
2014년 9월 15일
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