How to pronounce "zi ci si zhi chi shi ri" ? "j q x" .. ?? Any help there with skype maybe ..
2014년 9월 18일 오후 1:32
답변 · 5
When I started learning Chinese, I learnt like this: Ci" sounds like the ts in cats. Zi pretty similar to Zi in Zion. Si like the "cer" in certain Shi like in "shirt" R for me is most difficult, it's like the first r in tractor. J like the j in jump. Q like ch in cheese. X like sh, (Xi like she). If you can hear the sounds it's easier to hear the difference, but I hope this helps a little in the meantime...
2014년 9월 18일
copy-paste to translate google https://translate.google.com and press an icon to listen to it zi => 资 ci => 疵 si => 丝 zhi => 之 chi => 哧 shi => 师 ri => 日 ji => 机 qi => 七 xi => 西
2014년 9월 18일
Hi, I found useful this video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0y8VI8o0lM&list=PL6SeJoQBAGpUhdVJL4zcOrJxY257NZ-1X&index=31 so more than these, bye Alessandro PS the best is a Chinese friend or teacher helping you :)
2014년 9월 20일
I can pronounce but how to send to you
2014년 9월 18일
Je t'aide,mon Skype est "simonmuuuuu"
2014년 9월 18일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!