A より B (の)ほうが C です。 It was stated in the above webpage that in the sentence pattern "A より B (の)ほうが C です。" A and B can be nouns or verbs. It did not mention whether A and B can be adjectives or not. However, I found this example in the below webpage "大きいほうが小さいよりいい。" Can A and B be nouns, verbs and adjectives?
2014년 9월 20일 오후 12:55
답변 · 1
As you said, you can say 大きいほうが小さい(の)よりいい, but 大きいほう means "something bigger", so I think it's noun (or noun-like usage). You can say 汚いよりきれいなほうがいい. It also means something clean is better than something dirty or being clean is better than being dirty. I think "something clean" and "being clean" are noun.
2014년 9월 20일
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