ما الفرق هذه جملين : اشوفك بعد و اراك لاحقا thanks alot.
2014년 9월 26일 오전 7:13
답변 · 5
I think you mean اشوفك بعدين, right? اشوفك بعدين is colloquial أراك لاحقاً is standard Arabic Both mean "see you later" Hope this helps.
2014년 9월 26일
اشوفك بعدين not بعد اراك لاحقا it's the same meaning see u later
2014년 9월 26일
أشوفك بعد: see you after And it's not standard Arabic. But you can use it like this: See you after the exam أشوفك بعد الامتحان And this is how we read it: ashofak ba'ad أراك لاحقا: see you soon And it's standard Arabic, You can use it like this: I'm leaving now, see you soon. أنا مغادر الان، أراك لاحقا And this is how we read it: arak lahiqun
2014년 9월 26일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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