How to refine this sentence? Clausen [11], Miller [12] and Corona [13] studied the influence of loading path, friction, tension and pressure on the sectional deformation and springback, in order to reduce the deformation and springback to a minimum through optimizing the forming process.
2014년 10월 21일 오전 7:56
답변 · 5
Again it would be easier for an expert in your subject to advise you. Do you need to say more than "A, B and C studied the influence of the loading path, friction, tension and pressure in order to minimize the sectional deformation and springback." ?
2014년 10월 21일
Your sentence does not need "refining". It is an excellent sentence just as it is. Your subject is "sectional deformation" and "springback" which are to be "minimized". "Optimizing the forming process" was the purpose for "Clausen [11], Miller [12] and Corona [13] to study "the influence" of (a) loading path (b) friction, (c) tension (d) pressure . You could use the itemized structure that I use with a, b, c, and d. You could break up the single long sentence and communicate your idea in 2 sentencs or so. Most Asians think they are writing well when the compress several different ideas into one long complicated compound sentence, and they are not.
2014년 10월 21일
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